Monday 20 October 2014

Dealing with Hair Loss, the Ayurvedic Way

Ayurveda believes that hair fall control is very much associated to the body type and also the stability of one's mind-body structure. Ayurveda considers the hair as a byproduct of bone formation; the tissues which are responsible for formation of bones are also responsible for the growth of hair..

Hair fall is thereby considered to be a problem of pitta-dosha in Ayurveda and its excess in the body is the chief cause of hair problems.. Ayurvedic hair loss treatment measures are known for their effectiveness, and they include diet, meditation, yoga, and a conventional medicated herbal oil massage.

As hair fall is considered a problem of the pitta-dosha, one needs to identify his or her bad eating habits that are contributing to the increase of pitta in the body. Pitta is increased by excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats as well as excessive smoking. Pitta is also aggravated by eating too much of fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, and acidic foods.

The popular herb as recommended by Ayurveda is the Bhringaraaja. Known as king of hair, it promotes hair growth across the scalp and effectively stops and eventually reverses balding and premature graying. It also helps to calm the mind promoting sound sleep. Bhringaraaja (Eclipta prostrata) is taken internally and used externally as Bhringraj oil and is an excellent rejuvenator.

Further prescriptions include Aloe-Vera juice, fresh juices of carrot, alfalfa, lettuce and spinach, as well as the daily consumption of yogurt. Of course, the power of green leafy vegetables in preserving hair cannot be underestimated either. On the other hand, alcoholic drinks have an animosity with hair so they are best avoided.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centres in Nagpur. Contact us at (0712) 2551413/(0712) 2440020 to schedule an appointment.

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