Monday 22 December 2014

Ayurvedic Remedies for the Common Cold

The everyday common cold is related to the nasopharynx tract in particular, but it is yet found to affect the entire body. It is mostly common during the winters when it is passed around in crowded buses and other public areas frequented by the vulnerable.

According to Ayurveda, the common cold is referred to as Pratishyaya, and is produced as a result of the vitation of the Kapha dosha, and it greatly affects the body's immunity.

Ayurveda suggests a wide array of techniques to arrest the spread and intensity of the common cold virus. The Thalisapatradi Choornam with honey is known to release excess cough, and if the Karpooradi Thailam is applied on the chest and face, along with the addition of four to five drops of oil in water - which in turn is boiled and taken in as stream, it decongests the chest and is anti-inflammatory.

Aside, home remedies adhering to Ayurvedic philosophy to cure the common cold also exist. Ginger tea in particular acts as a decongestant, stimulating slow digestion and improving the taste buds. Lemon juice with water and honey is known to soothe a sore throat, boost vitamin C, as well as rid one of cough.

The ever-important Ayurvedic element of garlic contains antiseptic properties, and its addition in a recipe of soup is useful. Tulsi and Long pepper can also be used when taken in similar quantities, ground together and rolled into small pills, taken 3-4 times daily. Tulsi possesses an anti-vital and anti-oxidant property and is a good immune-modulator. Long pepper in addition, relieves inflammation.

Nevertheless, prevention is always better than any cure and it is critical to continue to build an overall good immunity. The Ayurvedic art of Panchakarma is a great way to supplemet and strengthen immunity - be it against the common cold or other ills.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centres in Nagpur. Contact us at (0712) 2551413/(0712) 2440020 to schedule an appointment.

Friday 19 December 2014

The Correlation between Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda are inseparable sisters in ways more than one. To put it succinctly, "Ayurveda is a science, and Yoga is the practice of the said science."

Both originate as part of a greater system of Vedic knowledge; while Yoga finds its roots in the Yajur Veda, Ayurveda originates in the Athara and Rig Vedas. Nevertheless, both are based upon the principles of Trigunas (SattvaRajas, and Tamas) and the Panchamahabuthas, which in turn comprise the five basic elements in earth, air, fire, water and space. Overall, they encompass an understanding on the way the human body works, and the effect - both positive and negative - that food and medicines might have on the body.

In their respective treatments, both Yoga and Ayurveda advocate the regular practice of Pranayama and meditation, as well as rthe use of herbs, body purification procedures, food and the chanting of mantras for physical and mental health. Yoga explains such body cleaning procedures as Satkriyas, while Ayurveda goes with the familiar and well-known techniques of Panchakarma.

In essence, both recognize that keeping the body healthy is vital for fulfilling the four aims of life: dharma (duty), artha (wealth), kama (Desire) and moksha (liberation),

While Yoga is considered to be a natural means of healing, Ayurveda relies on the core principle of the microcosm being equal to the macrocosm. Such an understanding sparks an overwhelming sense of gratitude in many, knowing that every aspect of nature has the answers to good health.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centres in Nagpur. Contact us at (0712) 2551413/(0712) 2440020 to schedule an appointment.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

The Amazing Benefits of Camphor

The bulk of Ayurvedic texts are replete with mentions of the several myriad medicinal properties associated with camphor. Its primary use in Ayurveda includes the treatment of respiratory and digestive problems along with the purification of blood that in turn aids in the doing away with a variety of skin ailments.

The importance of camphor can be gauged from the fact that most auspicious Hindu rituals include the burning of this herb. The product of Cinnamon Camphora, it is obtained from the large evergreen tree that grows in tropical climates, often up to a height of thirty meters.

Nobody is alien to a congested or running nose and cough, and camphor helps in providing almost instantaneous relief. The herb can be rubbed onto the chest in a concoction with oil to deal with a nasal congestion, and the modern medicinal system has caught on to the concept, utilizing it as a primary ingredient in various cough syrups and lozenges. Another Ayurvedic utility of camphor includes its treatment in overall respiratory troubles. Placing some camphor in boiling water and then inhaling its steam for a good ten minutes worth at a stretch helps to cure bronchitis and other such respiratory problems that make breathing difficult.

Camphor also plays a part in stimulating one's digestive system, making it work smoothly, being effective against common issues such as acidity and indigestion.

Furthermore, this wonder herb has several niche uses including the dissolution of fungal infections and the treatment of acne. Such fungal problems occur on the skin's surface and the insides of the toenails. In order to get rid of such issues, one can just mix some camphor with water and then apply it on the affected area. The treatment of acne in turn involves the use of camphor within a face pack, ensuring the fading of scars within a few weeks of usage.

In essence, the uses of camphor in Ayurveda and beyond are manifold, and modern medicine among others would have been poorer without its redeeming medicinal qualities.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centres in Nagpur. Contact us at (0712) 2551413/(0712) 2440020 to schedule an appointment.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Ayurvedic treatments to combat Diabetes

Diabetes has been recognized by Ayurveda for centuries. Recognized as Madhumeha is Sanskrit nomenclature, it is primarily classifed as a kapha variantal disorder. Overall, Ayurveda identifies as many as twenty types of diabetes - four due to Vata, six from Pitta, and ten caused by Kapha.

A disease severely aggravated by the wrong kind of diet, its planning and implementation is the Ayurvedic cornerstone in managing diabetes. Sugar for starters - is avoided in any form. This particularly pertains to foods such as rice, potato, banana, cereals and fruits which possess high sugar content. A singular bitter dish is recommended in every meal, and it proceeds to advise the inclusion of vegetables such as bitter gourd, string beans and grains like Bengal gram into the diet.

Of them all, the bitter gourd is regarded as the best remedy for diabetes. Drinking at least one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice on a daily basis will help reduce blood sugar levels in blood and urine. In addition, having bitter gourd cooked in ghee for a period of a few months also helps in reducing diabetic reactions in the patient by enabling the pancreas and pancreatic glands to secrete insulin.

Ayurveda proceeds to recommend changes and improvements to one's lifestyle as well, in its zeal to combat diabetes. Aside from avoiding smoking and other obviously harmful activities, diabetics are advised to avoid sleeping during the day, prescribed regular eyecare and asked to take adequate care of the eyes and feet.

In essence, the strategies prescribed by Ayurveda in the treatment of diabetes and lowering blood sugar level are safe, easy to practise, and are free of any side effects whatsoever - establishing it as a core method in controlling this passive disease.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centres in Nagpur. Contact us at (0712) 2551413/(0712) 2440020 to schedule an appointment.