Saturday 19 September 2015

Ayurveda - Body Types & Diets

Body Types & Diets

  Ayurveda is India’s ancient system of health and healing. Ayurveda is considered by some to be the oldest healing science in the world. Using a holistic approach regarding medicine, Ayurvedic practices aim to assist people in achieving long-lasting, healthy & balanced lives. 

  Ayurveda states that a person should choose his diet and lifestyle  depending on his or her dosha. It is most important to maintain balance in your doshas to further balance your body and mind. Doshas describe our life energy that also regulates our body functions & personality nutrition.

Vata Type : People born with vata body type display the characteristics associated with the element vayu or the air & space. They are are light on their feet, enthusiastic, with a lean body and energetic. They usually have high metabolic rate that naturally lends them a thin and slender frame. They generally have a good complexion yet their skin is dry and thin with visible veins.
Tips For Vata Body Type : Eat warm, oily or heavy foods. Minimise cold and raw foods as they are harder to digest. Stay warm and do gentle exercise and meditation.

Pitta Type : People born in Pitta body type display the characteristic associated with the elements fire & water. Pitta is based on the principle of heat, digestion and all transformation in the body. Pitta is the acid secretion from the stomach, bile from the liver and inflammation. They are medium build, tend to perspire profusely, skin is soft, warm & moist, easily prone to acne, rashes & sunburn.
Tips For Pitta Body Type : Eat cold, sweet, bitter and astringent foods. Reduce hot, spicy, acidic, overly salty and fermented foods. Moderate exercise with sound sleep is best for pittas. Go for a walk in nature, enjoying cooling elements such as ocean waves or the fresh scent of trees and flowers.

Kapha Type : The kapha people represent the water and earth element. Kapha is a growth of tissue, production of mucous & fat and retention of fluids. Kapha type have a strong and large built body. Excellent health, good immune system, very calm and always strive to maintain harmony & peace in their surroundings. They are slow, prone to laziness and hard to motivate.
Tips For Kapha Body Type : Minimize sweet, sour and salty tastes. Eat foods that are warm, rough and light. Avoid heavy foods, oily foods, salt and dairy products. Exercise regularly to lighten the heaviness of kapha. Kaphas will often benefit from a raw food diet when seasonally appropriate.

  Though you might be in the same environment as someone else, the way that your own body deals with toxins could be very different. Target the particular health needs of your body type with Ayurvedic treatments and massages at Baidyanath Life sciences. Visit our center to know about Doshas related to a Kapha, Pitta, or Vata  and learn about your diet, what types of exercises and treatments are best suited to balance your body and mind. For more details & appointment schedules, Do call us at:

(0712) 2551413

(0712) 2551553

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