Thursday 30 July 2015

Panchakarma - The 5 Therapies Of Toxin Removal

Panchakarma - The 5 Therapies To Remove Toxins :
“Pancha” means five in sanskrit and “Karma” means therapy or actions. Panchakarma is an intense detoxification of body (removing dosha), thus rejuvenating your mind and consciousness.

The five actions are
  1. Vamana :emesis/ vomiting
  2. Virechana :Purgation
  3. Basti:enema therapy
  4. Nasya:nasal administration
  5. Rakta mokshana:blood letting

What are Dosha?
  Doshas are the biological energies flowing through the human body and mind. They govern the physical and mental processes that determines the physical constitution and temperament of an individual. The three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha are derived  from five elements : Air , Water, Space, Earth and Fire. Vata is a composition of space & air, Pitta is of fire & water and Kapha is earth & water. Imbalance among the doshas leads to illness.

Why Panchakarma treatment ?
  Panchakarma is a holistic detoxification that works both on physiological and psychological well-being, working on the subtle energies. Stress, poor metabolism and faulty dietary habits leads to accumulation of toxins in the body leading to chronic and degenerative diseases. Panchakarma helps to remove those doshas and eliminate toxins (also known as “Ama” in ayurveda) through natural exit channels of the body.

At Baidyanath Life Sciences we offer Panchakarma treatment after thorough understanding of ailments and body requirements. Its an age old science in Ayurveda and the treatment is given by qualified doctors and masseurs.

Benefits of Panchakarma:
  • Brings in deep relaxation and well being
  • Brings in balance in the system and improves the body functions
  • Enhances your strength, vitality, energy and mental health
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Calms your mind and body feels rejuvenated.
  • Helps you attain clear and glowing skin
  • Strengthen  muscles and thereby slows your aging process.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences .Schedule An Appointment Today,
Contact Us At :     (0712) 2551413
                           (0712) 2440020

Monday 20 July 2015

Top 5 Home Remedies For The Monsoon Blues

Top 5 Home Remedies For The Monsoon Blues :

 Monsoon is a season of joy, romance and excitement. It also brings dampness, water logging, germs & mosquitoes. All these can work against your body in a drastic way.
Enjoy this season , by keeping illness at bay .  


Here Are Some Home Remedies To Overcome A Few common rain dieseases :

  1. Fungal Infection :
 Yogurt in general contains, acidophilus bacteria (made up of hydrogen peroxide). This neutralizes the Ph levels and kills the fungal infections (Candida Albicans) . Simply apply over the affected areas, let it be for 15 min, wash thoroughly . ( please change the image below)

2.  Switch To A Hot Cupa :
 Planning on grabbing that Ice Cold Drink during this season, well think again. Choosing Hot Beverages like tea, coffee, green tea, etc. helps keep your body warm and stay away from any infections. Quicktip, Try to indulge yourself in a bowl of hot soup with a dash of freshly minced garlic in it, medicinal and healthy.


3.  A Protein Rich Diet To Drive Away The Digestive Problems :
 Monsoons always bring in some digestive problems. A protein rich diet will work wonders on your body and help maintain a balance. It's advisable to take protein rich foods like brown rice, oats, legumes and whole grains to improve your digestion as well as your body’s metabolic rate .


4.  Keep Your Body Hydrated, Drink Lots Of That H2O :
The weather being super cool, most of us refrain from drinking lots of water, frequent urination being a common excuse. Be it any season, your body needs to be well hydrated, to maintain the body functions and flush out unwanted toxins. So do yourself a favor, Drink Lots Of Water, it is indeed, “The Elixir Of Life” .

5.  Dont Make Rain The Excuse, Work Up A Good Sweat :
Regular exercise is a must for being in control of yourself and to maintain that immunity during monsoons. Don’t make rain an excuse to skip your workout for the day, if it’s pouring outside, you could very well opt in for indoor exercises. No Pain, No Gain…...No Excuses !


This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centres in Nagpur.
Schedule An Appointment Today,
Contact Us At : (0712) 2551413
                         (0712) 2440020

Friday 10 July 2015

Quick Fixes For A Safe Monsoon


Come June, the city Nagpur looks even better and beautiful with the drizzling rain,colourful umbrellas and children puddling around splashing water having fun.Monsoon are the time perfect for piping cup of chai and pakoras and also the perfect breeding place for germs causing seasonal infections.

Here Are Few Quick Fixes for safe monsoon :


1. JAMUN : Jamun also known as Indian Black Berry is found in India only during the rainy seasons. This wild plum is packed with nutrients like iron, folate, potassium and vitamins that helps to  fight against cancer & heart diseases. They are known for its excellent treatment for diabetics. Not only does the fruit useful in combating  many ailments, but the bark of the tree, leaves and seeds is also known to relieve stomach disorders while the astringent property of the fruit  helps to keep your skin blemishes and acne free.

2. LITCHI : A fruit having sweet fragrance and flavor is rich in Vitamin C, antioxidant and dietary fiber. Abundance in Vitamins C and high water content  keeps your skin hydrated, radiant and fresh.The dietary fiber in the fruit  aids digestion by keeping your gut clean and healthy. Include Litchi in your daily diet to improve and strengthen your immunity.

3. PLUMS : Found in various colors red, purple or bluish black is often used to make desserts and jams.They are pulpy with a slight tinge of tart. Dried plums are called Prunes. Plums are plentiful in minerals like potassium, fluoride and iron, which are required for red blood formation. They help to purifying your blood thus keeping your heart healthy and skin acne free.

4. POMEGRANATE : This super fruit is infused with nutrients like, folic acid, Vitamin A, C and E and has  unique crunch and flavor.Highly recommended by most of the nutritionist and they swear by it, a single glass of juice (which looks like a glass of wine) helps you reduce cholesterol & low blood pressure.

5. CASHEWNUTS : High on calories yet heart friendly! Nutty and tasty one can't stop nibbling them salted or honeyed. They are energy rich and posses essential  proteins & fiber, which help in maintaining cardiovascular health. These magnesium rich cashews helps to keep your bones strong & are also known to relieve stress during menopause.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath Life Sciences, who bring about authentic Ayurvedic wellness treatments through its centers in Nagpur.
To Schedule An Appointment ,
Contact Us At : (0712) 2551413
                        (0712) 2440020

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Weight Management With Ayurveda

Weight management with Ayurveda

While most of us understand and recognize the need to manage an ideal
weight, this is easier said than done. Some of the leading reasons
weight management is becoming an issue in our country are
a. Rise of processed and fast foods that might compromise on nutritional
b. Increased consumption of fatty foods that are fried or that are high
in saturated fats.
c. Higher stress levels that lower the rate of metabolism
d. Sedentary life style because of advances in infrastructure or

Quick fix solutions will not be able to treat these issues, and
Baidyanath Life Sciences, Nagpur's premium spa and wellness center
brings you weight management programmes that address the issue at
various levels. The road-map has been designed scientifically, so that
the patient not only looses the excess weight, but is also trained to
make a paradigm shift to a healthier lifestyle.

Stage 1 : 
Understanding : A  weight management programme can be
succesful only if there is self realization. A deep understanding of
what needs to be rectified and why, and most importantly an
understanding of accountability.

Stage 2 : 
Detox : Most of our patients have been abusing their bodies
with toxic additives, as well as non nutritious foods and beverages. The
detox stage helps the patient flush out harmful chemicals, and allows
the body to naturally balance itself to a higher metabolism.

Stage 3 : 
Massages and a diet plan : The next stage is the most crucial
. The diet plan gets rids of excess weight, without advocating
starvation, and the massages ensures that the muscle mass gets the
rejuvenation it needs. This combination ensures that we rid the body of
bad fat, and strengthen the good weight from muscle and bone weight.

Stage 4: 
Medication : The medication in this diet is completely natural,
and consists of herbs that maintain the nutrition levels of the body,
while increasing the metabolism.

Stage 5: 
Sustainability and follow up : The biggest difference between
an Ayurvedic diet and a fad diet are the long term benefits associated
with the Ayurvedic diet. The Doctors at Baidyanath Life Sciences will
design a plan that can be followed post the weight management programme,
and will schedule periodic follow up sessions, that ensures that you are
on the right track - forever.

This blog is powered by Baidyanath life Sciences. You can find more
information on us at