Thursday 30 July 2015

Panchakarma - The 5 Therapies Of Toxin Removal

Panchakarma - The 5 Therapies To Remove Toxins :
“Pancha” means five in sanskrit and “Karma” means therapy or actions. Panchakarma is an intense detoxification of body (removing dosha), thus rejuvenating your mind and consciousness.

The five actions are
  1. Vamana :emesis/ vomiting
  2. Virechana :Purgation
  3. Basti:enema therapy
  4. Nasya:nasal administration
  5. Rakta mokshana:blood letting

What are Dosha?
  Doshas are the biological energies flowing through the human body and mind. They govern the physical and mental processes that determines the physical constitution and temperament of an individual. The three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha are derived  from five elements : Air , Water, Space, Earth and Fire. Vata is a composition of space & air, Pitta is of fire & water and Kapha is earth & water. Imbalance among the doshas leads to illness.

Why Panchakarma treatment ?
  Panchakarma is a holistic detoxification that works both on physiological and psychological well-being, working on the subtle energies. Stress, poor metabolism and faulty dietary habits leads to accumulation of toxins in the body leading to chronic and degenerative diseases. Panchakarma helps to remove those doshas and eliminate toxins (also known as “Ama” in ayurveda) through natural exit channels of the body.

At Baidyanath Life Sciences we offer Panchakarma treatment after thorough understanding of ailments and body requirements. Its an age old science in Ayurveda and the treatment is given by qualified doctors and masseurs.

Benefits of Panchakarma:
  • Brings in deep relaxation and well being
  • Brings in balance in the system and improves the body functions
  • Enhances your strength, vitality, energy and mental health
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Calms your mind and body feels rejuvenated.
  • Helps you attain clear and glowing skin
  • Strengthen  muscles and thereby slows your aging process.

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